diet conscious

A  lady ordered a pizza..   

Waiter: Mam should I cut it into 4 pieces or into 8?

Lady: Cut it into 4, I will become fat if I eat 8..😄😂😜

women are so diet conscious..😋😜

I could not finish it - Nothing

Boss to employee: "What are you doing today?"

Employee: "Nothing".

Boss: "But yesterday also you were doing Nothing!"

Employee: "Ya, I could not finish it".

tea has no sugar - dinner tonight

One day some friends dropped in on a Sindhi couple, without warning, for a cup of tea. 

The wife pulled the husband aside and said, "There's no sugar in the house, how can I serve tea?"

The husband winked at her and said, "Make tea without sugar for all, leave the rest to me."

As soon as the tea was served the husband says to the guests, "Let's play a game of chance. One cup of tea has no sugar, who ever gets it will take us all for dinner tonight."

The result? All guests claimed they had never tasted such sweet tea! 😆